Tuesday, February 3, 2009

From Deep Inside

From deep inside I feel a longing begin to unfurl. A primal scream that begins in my toes and rushes along my body, transforms my world. Colors and patterns swirl like soldiers in the service of my need. I need it. I must enter into a world that invites release, calls for release, requires release. I can tell by my sarcasm, my need to watch someone squirm, my not letting any little thing go by, that it is time. It is my time to rise with bloody intent and demonic focus. Blood lust screams in my ears and sharpens my eye. I start to eye kitchen tools with a somewhat fiendish glee. I know what is coming and I hasten it; I cackle with anticipation of the rituals and innovations that will soon unfold.

My lover knows. She preens. She picks at me to find the end of the thread. When she does, she rips it from my bosom. She takes unto herself the passion and the thrust. She helps me strip her naked and take my fill of her need and her gift. We drink greedily together from the fountain of sensation and control. Together we reach the heady lightness of living fully in the passion that is our pinnacle. Our humanity confirmed, we relax in this certainty - knowing that Truth and Reality are ours to know.

When this knowledge fades, as human knowledge is prone to do, we put on our shoes and walk again where tenderness is not well rewarded.

I cover myself so as to keep my precious bits from the glare that reflects off the sand.

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