Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting to Know You

I could not possibly. It will take time. My past events do not define me. For this I am thankful. Just thankful. Not to a god, and especially not to a God. Not that I think such does not exist, but I am loathe to name what I cannot define or describe. I cannot ascribe either motive or intent to such. The origin of 'variable' is my only conception. Too, that begins to define me as well. So, like most, my concept of divinity is a reflection of my internal consciousness, created in my own image, if you will. Most won't.

Hedonism is an interesting thing. Excess leads to certain discomfort, so a certain self-denial is crucial to greatest pleasure. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis....oh, boundaries that allow creation.

Oh dear, religion, psychology and then philosophy. Most that have not fled will retreat in horror when I trot out the math. (Laughing hysterically now.) Then, the few that still want to read will find the perversions, the kink, the absolute shadow of the woman I present to the physical world on a daily basis.

Enough for now.

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