Sunday, March 1, 2009

Emotional Rescue

Dear Parent of the Children of Earth:

I just want to talk to you seriously for a minute about your children. I have been a teacher for twenty years. I have watch children, the institution of childhood, change over the years. Children today are far more 'wise' for their years and stressed out than they used to be -- as a group. I see so many more children who are at the breaking point.

Sure, most are survivors. They get hardened, inured, or over confident. Other children become ill or emotionally fragile, too many get eating disorders, or electronic addictions. Some find security and acceptance in gangs, some go internal. We have too many suicides, deaths by cop, or alcohol fueled car deaths.

I do not want to sound hysterical, but our modern culture is failing children.

They are not getting the parental support, or familial support they used to. Schools are poor and somewhat barren places that focus on the hardest to teach and let's the rest barely succeed. There are no resources for us to do a lot better than that, and the resources are flowing away. Fewer people have kids, and thus fewer care about them.

This is our next generation!! We are polluting and spending them out of existence.

This is a call to all parents, at least. Help the kids! They need COLLEGE education, information, critical thinking skills, and a healthy slender body -- they need to be open minded, flexible, and ready to learn and adapt to new situations. They need high self esteem and a warm regard for others, and a suspicion of stupidity, rhetoric, dogma, and intolerance.

I want a good place to grow old. I want ALL your children to be well. I want Earth to be healthy enough to support us for some more generations.

Sadly and Lovingly,


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